We recognise the one universal church of all believers, so we don’t have a membership at Jubilee.
Everyone is welcome to our Sunday Celebrations, and many people enjoy being part of a home group without making a long-term commitment. We do, however, believe that alignment with godly leadership arranged under a specific church eldership is healthy and part of God’s will for all Christians.
Joining Jubilee
Coming along on a Sunday is a wonderful way to begin getting to know people and feel like you are part of the bigger picture of the church. But to truly become part of any community (church or otherwise) requires a bit of effort. It takes time and energy to grow meaningful relationships and get to know others and be known. So our encouragement is for people to get involved!
Home Groups
Home Groups are groups of people, of mixed ages and backgrounds, meeting together during the week in homes. It's where relationships can go deeper - with one another and with God.

Children's Work
Children are a precious part of our Jubilee church family. It's important that they feel like they belong and are valued, and it's also important that they receive Biblical teaching at their stage of development.

Youth Work
Teenage years are for growing and learning and exploring life! We want youth to know that they have a secure place in God's family and even though they are in a learning stage of life, they have so much to offer us just by being themselves.
The church is a wonderful life-bringing community to be part of, but it should never become an exclusive 'club' for Christians. The mission of God's church is for us to be out in the world taking the good news of Jesus and the demonstration of His Kingdom into our local communities and beyond.
We can all do that as individuals and families, but there's also something beautiful in uniting as the church and reaching out to impact our local community, our nation, and abroad, TOGETHER. We would encourage you to consider getting involved in some of the projects and initiatives of Jubilee church that take the hope of the gospel to people and places in need.

Community Initiatives
We want to bless our local community but we also look beyond our location to what God is doing in the UK, Europe, and across the globe so we can be a blessing to wherever He calls us.